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Dear Friend,

Do you know the one thing that all successful marketers have in common? Not just Internet Marketers; I'm talking about marketers from any discipline.

And I'm talking about marketers making at least $10,000 a month.

ANSWER: They Have Their Own Products!

I owe my breakthrough in the information marketing business ever since I started making and selling my own products. Instead of earning a few hundred dollars a month as an affiliate, I was making thousands of dollars easily - and eventually tens of thousands of dollars every month!

And for all these good reasons, I love selling digital products over physical products.

  • Your margin is close to 100%!
  • It doesn't cost extra to duplicate the product for many customers
  • There is no inventory to take or physical premise required
  • You can automate the business so it can do all the selling while you laze around!

However the problem with having your own products is in the product creation stage. If you try to do it on your own, it will take weeks or even months of your time and effort - and that's assuming you have the skills and expertise!

Sure you can outsource the work, but at the expense of thousands of dollars? Not everyone has deep pockets.

So here's the deal...


Only On This Page You Can 'Steal' My Products And Edit, Brand Them And Sell Them As Your Own!

That's correct. In this exclusive limited time offer, I am going to give you the Private Label Rights to over 9 *red hot* potential bestsellers that you can monetize from... and sell in your name!

Let's check out your potential hot sellers now...

Private Label Rights To Product #1

The BIG Book Of Internet Marketing

Non-Transferable Private Label Rights Included!

Every year, millions of new Internet users come online and a HUGE fraction of them are searching for ways to start their online business.

The Big Book Of Internet Marketing offers a general overview and professional insight into every important aspect of Internet Marketing for the newcomers to the E-Commerce scene - and this is your chance to cash in on the growing modern trend of Internet startups!


Table Of Contents

Chapter 1: Introduction to Internet Marketing 1
What Internet Marketing Is 3
What Internet Marketing is Not 6
The Pros of Internet Marketing 8
The Cons of Internet Marketing 10
How to Win the Internet Marketing War 12
Chapter 2: Starting Your Internet Business 15
Ways of Monetize Online 18
Getting all the Essential Tools You Need 20
Choosing Your Internet Business Model 22
Why Have Your Own Domain Name? 24
Securing Your Own Web Host 26
Chapter 3: Selecting Your Niche 28
How to Identify an Existing Demand 30
Common Mistakes Made in Researching Your Niche 31
List of Hot, In-Demand Niches Online 33
Chapter 4: Selling Products Online 36
Types of Products You Can Sell Online 38
Digital Products 40
Physical Products 43
Physical Product vs. Digital Product - Pros & Cons 45
Chapter 5: Copywriting 48
Why is Copywriting Important? 50
Copywriting: Writing the Introduction 52
Copywriting: Body and Conclusion 54
Copywriting: Publishing Your Work 55
Copywriting: Planning Your Message 58
A Short List of Words that Sell 60
All-Time Attention Grabbing Headlines 62
Chapter 6: Search Engine Optimization 65
What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)? 65
Why is Search Engine Optimization Important? 67
Steps for Search Engine Optimization (SEO) 68
Going After the Competition With SEO 70
Building a Content-Rich Site 72
Chapter 7: Leveraging on Affiliate Programs 75
Why Use Affiliate Programs? 77
How to Set Up an Affiliate Program for Your Products 79
Recommended Affiliate Programs 80
How to Recruit Affiliates 82
Joining Affiliate Programs to Multiply Your Income Streams 86
What to Look for in an Affiliate Program before Joining 88
Places to Hunt for Rewarding Affiliate Programs 90
Chapter 8: Striking Joint Venture Deals 92
Why Joint Venture is the Best Free Marketing Method 92
Joint Venture in a Nutshell 94
Writing Your Joint Venture Proposals 95
How to Look for Joint Venture Partners 97
Tips on Getting JV Partners 98
Chapter 9: Resell Rights 101
Types of Resell Rights 103
How to Use Resell Rights in Your Favor 105
What to Look for in a Resell Rights Product Before Investing 107
Chapter 10: Going Viral with Viral Marketing 109
Top Viral Marketing Success Stories 111
Key Elements of Viral Marketing Success 113
Types of Viral Marketing Methods 117
Chapter 11: Publishing Your Own Mailing List & Newsletter 121
Publishing Your Own Newsletter 123
Auto Responders - Your Main Asset 124
How to Publish a Successful Newsletter 126
Monetize Your Mailing List 128
How to Collect Subscriber Leads 129
Chapter 12: Free & Low Cost Advertising Methods 132
Writing & Submitting Articles 134
Using Traffic Exchanges 136
Link Exchanges 137
Participating in Forums 139
Ezine Advertising 140
Press Releases 142
Using Pay-Per-Click (PPC) 144
Chapter 13: In Closing 146

What You Get...

Source File In PDF & Word Format
149 Letter-Size Pages

Pre-written Sales Letter & Thank You Page
Paste your name and order links, upload them and you are ready to be in business!

Professionally Designed Covers
You get them in PNG transparent background and Photoshop Source Documents (PSD) if you want to edit in Adobe Photoshop or GIMP.

Non-Transferable Private Label Rights so you can:
- Resell this E-Book in PDF format at any price you see fit
- Put your name as the author
- Edit the contents
- Use as bonus
- Use as lead magnet to build your list
- Put into paid membership site
- Repurpose into other formats and packaging
- And more creative uses...

Private Label Rights To Product #2

Outsourcing Secrets

Non-Transferable Private Label Rights Included!

Discover How YOU - OR ANYONE - Can Leverage On Other People's Time And Other People's Resources So That You Can Achieve More Results, Expand Your Business Faster, And Automate Your Business!

Table Of Contents

Introduction to Outsourcing 4
Outsourcing – What it is and How it Benefits the Internet Entrepreneur 4
Outsourcing: Now or Later? 6
Full Time Staff versus Outsourcing to Agents – Pros and Cons 7
Tasks You Can Outsource 10
Outsourcing Your Advertising and Marketing Needs 10
Why Outsource Your Content Writing? 12
Finding a Competent Graphic Designer for Your Next Project 15
Finding a Great Virtual Assistant 17
Getting Help with Your Blogging 19
Outsourcing Your Copywriting Projects 21
Programming Needs and How to Outsource Them 23
Need a Book Ghostwriter? 25
Farming out Editing Jobs 27
Going the Agent Route with Your Sales Initiative 29
How to Negotiate Outsourcing Deals 30
Negotiating Your Outsourcing Deal 30
Outsourcing Definitely Shows Company Benefits 32
Choosing an Outsourcing Company to Handle the Your Phone Needs 34
Even Online Businesses Use Outsourcing 36
Outsourcing Contracts Can Be Confusing 38
Outsourcing – Tips and Tricks 39
Outsourcing Tips and Tricks 39
Where To Find Freelancers for Your Outsourcing Work? 41
Outsourcing: Project Planning and Completion 43

What You Get...

Source File In PDF & Word Format
45 Letter-Size Pages

Pre-written Sales Letter & Thank You Page
Paste your name and order links, upload them and you are ready to be in business!

Professionally Designed Covers
You get them in PNG transparent background and Photoshop Source Documents (PSD) if you want to edit in Adobe Photoshop or GIMP.

Non-Transferable Private Label Rights so you can:
- Resell this E-Book in PDF format at any price you see fit
- Put your name as the author
- Edit the contents
- Use as bonus
- Use as lead magnet to build your list
- Put into paid membership site
- Repurpose into other formats and packaging
- And more creative uses...

Private Label Rights To Product #3

Info Product Creation Strategies

Non-Transferable Private Label Rights Included!

Information is the best selling commodity on the Internet today. This is no surprise because we are now in the Information Age and the importance of education and more sophisticated information are more in demand than ever. Of course, you shouldn't just sell any kind of information - you MUST sell information that most people need and are willing to pay.

Info Product Creation Strategies takes an in depth look into niche marketing and reveals how you - or anyone - can build a low-cost, high-profit business around your Information Product in a step-by-step fashion!


Table Of Contents

Wealth Goes To The One With The Timeliest Information 4
Why Sell Information Online? 4
The Single Most Important Kind Of Information You Should Sell 5
A Variety of Information Types You Can Sell Online 7
First Step To Info Product Creation Strategies 10
Begin Your Info Product Creation Journey With The End In Mind 10
The Art of Creating Information on Demand 11
Info Product Creation Success Factors 13
Creating Info Products On The Fly! 15
Types of Info Products You Can Create 15
Churning Out In-Demand Info Products in a Zap 16
The Elements of a Top Quality Info Product 19
Branding Your Info Product 20
Getting Your Product’s Digital Cover 23
How to Protect the Value of Your Info Product 24
Determining Your Info Product’s Terms of Use 26
Entering Your Info Product into the Market War Zone 27
How to Strategically Price Your Product 27
How to Gather Testimonials for Your Product 30
Writing Your Sales Letter 31
Don’t Get into Business without Back-End Products! 34
Some More Tips And Advice When Marketing Your Products 35
A Crash Course Guide on Marketing to Your Prospects 35
School of Thought: Go as High-Ticket as Possible 39

What You Get...

Source File In PDF & Word Format
40 Letter-Size Pages

Pre-written Sales Letter & Thank You Page
Paste your name and order links, upload them and you are ready to be in business!

Professionally Designed Covers
You get them in PNG transparent background and Photoshop Source Documents (PSD) if you want to edit in Adobe Photoshop or GIMP.

Non-Transferable Private Label Rights so you can:
- Resell this E-Book in PDF format at any price you see fit
- Put your name as the author
- Edit the contents
- Use as bonus
- Use as lead magnet to build your list
- Put into paid membership site
- Repurpose into other formats and packaging
- And more creative uses...

Private Label Rights To Product #4

Killer Traffic Generation Tactics

Non-Transferable Private Label Rights Included!

Did you know? The number ONE problem faced by many webmasters and Internet Marketers alike when they finish building and setting up their websites is none other than generating TARGETED traffic.

This is your chance to cater to this hungry niche of webmasters and beginning Internet Marketers with Killer Traffic Generation Tactics, detailing out a series of unique, proven traffic-building methods that really work!


Table Of Contents

Killer Traffic Generation Tactics 4
Generating Traffic – The Next Important Thing 4
How Traffic Can Impact Your Website Profits 5
The Two General Ways of Generating Killer Traffic 7
Leveraging On Search Engines 8
Search Engine Optimization Explained 8
Search Engine Optimization Explained: Concept #1 9
Search Engine Optimization Explained: Concept #2 9
Search Engine Optimization Explained: Concept #3 10
How to Quickly Index Your Sites into the Search Engine 10
How to Optimize Your Sites to Receive Free Traffic 11
Magic Of Article Writing 13
How to Use Articles to Bring Traffic to Your Website 13
Tips on Writing Your Best-Distributing Article 14
Where to Submit Your Articles for Maximum Exposure 16
Viral Traffic Effect Through Affiliate Programs 20
Motivating Reasons to Use Affiliate Programs 20
How to Start an Attractive Affiliate Program 22
Where to Recruit Super Affiliates and JV Partners 23
Other Known Traffic Generation Methods That Kill 25
Taking Advantage of Traffic Exchange Programs 25
Using Forums to Generate Traffic to Your Website 27
Using Blogs to Drive Red Hot Traffic into Your Sites 28
Using Pay-Per-Click Programs 30
Pay-Per-Click Programs Exposed 30
Step-by-Step on Using PPC to Generate Red Hot Traffic 32
Leveraging On Online Medias 33
Using Paid E-zine Advertising to Generate Targeted Traffic 33
Maximum Traffic Exposure with Press Releases 34
Buying Ad Space On Other High Trafficked Websites 37
Buying Ad Space – Does it Still Work? 37
Decision Factors in Buying an Ad Space on Websites 39
How to Strategically Architect your Ad for Maximum Exposure 41
In Closing 42
Questionable Traffic Generation Methods You Must Not Use! 42
The One Secret to Getting Non-Stop Traffic 44
Tips on Getting Continuous Traffic to Your Websites 45
Traffic Generation Tip #1: Pick the Low Hanging Fruit Using SEO 45
Traffic Generation Tip #2: Use Viral Promotion 46
Traffic Generation Tip #3: Consider Legitimate Link Exchanges 46
Traffic Generation Tip #4: Use Joint Ventures and Affiliate Programs 46
Traffic Generation Tip #5: Always Recycle Traffic 47

What You Get...

Source File In PDF & Word Format
47 Letter-Size Pages

Pre-written Sales Letter & Thank You Page
Paste your name and order links, upload them and you are ready to be in business!

Professionally Designed Covers
You get them in PNG transparent background and Photoshop Source Documents (PSD) if you want to edit in Adobe Photoshop or GIMP.

Non-Transferable Private Label Rights so you can:
- Resell this E-Book in PDF format at any price you see fit
- Put your name as the author
- Edit the contents
- Use as bonus
- Use as lead magnet to build your list
- Put into paid membership site
- Repurpose into other formats and packaging
- And more creative uses...

Private Label Rights To Product #5

Paperless E-Book Publishing Manuals

Non-Transferable Private Label Rights Included!

As we are now entering the Information era, it is now virtually possible to build multiple Internet Businesses or even networks in your Online Empire using only Information!

Paperless E-Book Publishing is guaranteed to appeal to writers, coaches, teachers, speakers, offline/online publishers, and Internet Entrepreneurs in the making - and this is your amazing opportunity to show them how... in your name!


Table Of Contents

Your Paperless E-Book Publishing Journey 1
How to Profit from Your Info Product 3
Upfront Sales 3
Back End Income 3
Conveying Resell Rights 3
Selling Its Source Format 4
What You Need 5
Word Program 5
PDF Converter Program 5
Paint Program (optional) 6
Affiliate Programs You Join 6
Your Brain with Some Confidence to Go! 7
Planning Your Info Product Creation 8
1. Demand 8
2. Price 9
3. Title 10
4. Contents 11
5. Font 13
6. Number of pages 14
7. Page size 15
8. Format 15
9. Affiliate Program links 16
Creating Your Info Product 17
Product Cover 18
Important Notices 22
Table of Contents 24
Page Layout 28
Contents 30
1. Write on Your Own 31
2. Interview 32
3. Hire a Ghost Writer 32
4. Public Domain 34
A Word on Free Articles 35
Joining Affiliate Programs 37
Affiliate Program Success Choice Factors 39
1. Demand 39
2. Commission incentive 39
3. Sales letter conversion rate 39
4. Promotion materials 40
5. Quality 40
Info Product Creation Tips 41
In Closing 43
Recommended Payment Processors 45
Module 2: Info Product Business Setup Explained 46
The 3 Business Models You Can Choose From 48
1. Model A 50
2. Model B 53
3. Model C 55
What You Need 57
1. Domain name 57
2. Web hosting 57
3. Auto responder 57
4. Credit card payment processor 58
5. Affiliate program 58
6. Other Tools 59
Writing Your Sales Letter 59
The Format of Your Sales Letter 60
Layout 61
Any Other Links? 61
Fonts 63
The Headline and Sub-headline 63
Case Study: Ancient Secrets to Asthma Cure 64
Long Sales Letter vs. Short Sales Letter? 66
Benefits vs. Features 68
Examples of Benefits and Features That You Can Use In Your Sales Letter 69
Write with Personality 71
The Power of Testimonials 72
Examples of How to Use Testimonials in Your Sales Letter 74
Give a Guarantee 75
Create Your Thank You Page 78
Download Problems? 79
How to Create a Back-End Sale in Your Thank You Page 79
Setting Up Your Business 80
Model A 81
Setting Up Your Business Step-by-Step 81
Write a series of follow up emails 82
Insert the pay button into the bottom of your sales letter and route to your Thank You page URL where your customer can get the product are the purchase. 86
Model B 86
Setting Up Your Business Step-by-Step 86
Model C 89
Setting Up Your Business Step-by-Step 89
1. Write your sales letter. 89
Pros 90
Cons 91
Module 3: Online Marketing Explained 93
The Truth about SEO 95
Submitting Your Site to Search Engines 97
Preparing Your Promotion Materials 99
Endorsement Letter/Email 100
Solo Ads 103
Banners 103
Signature File 104
Endorsing to Your Mailing List 104
Leverage on Affiliate Marketing 105
Recommended Resources For Starting Your Own Affiliate Program 106
Recruiting Affiliates 107
Giving Your Affiliates What They Need 108
Ad Swaps 109
Low Cost Advertising that Works 111
Paid Ezine Advertising 111
Pay-Per-Click (PPC) 112
Recommended PPC Search Engines 114
Buy Subscribers 114
Recommended Subscriber List Brokers 114
The Closing 114

What You Get...

Source File In PDF & Word Format
119 Letter-Size Pages

Pre-written Sales Letter & Thank You Page
Paste your name and order links, upload them and you are ready to be in business!

Professionally Designed Covers
You get them in PNG transparent background and Photoshop Source Documents (PSD) if you want to edit in Adobe Photoshop or GIMP.

Non-Transferable Private Label Rights so you can:
- Resell this E-Book in PDF format at any price you see fit
- Put your name as the author
- Edit the contents
- Use as bonus
- Use as lead magnet to build your list
- Put into paid membership site
- Repurpose into other formats and packaging
- And more creative uses...

Private Label Rights To Product #6

List Building Mastery

Non-Transferable Private Label Rights Included!

Internet users often act on impulse when they surf web sites online. And chances are that people who visit your web site now may forget you and your web site 10 clicks later or so.

And when these visitors leave, there's an even greater chance that they won't come back unless they remember to - and have a good reason to do just that.

But if you capture their names and email addresses via asking them to subscribe to your mailing list, you can still follow up with them via broadcast and automatic follow up emails.


Table Of Contents

List Building Exposed! 1
Search Engine Optimization 2
Article Marketing 8
Paid E-zine Advertising 14
Pay-Per-Click Programs 19
Press Release 24
Using Special Reports To Kick Start Your Campaign 30
List Building Revisited 37
Compound List Building with Resell Rights 40
Ad Swap 46
The Magic of Give Away Events 51
Investing in Co-Registration Leads 56
Recruiting an Army of Affiliates 63
Leveraging on Joint Ventures 68
Executing Product Launches 73

What You Get...

Source File In PDF & Word Format
91 Letter-Size Pages

Pre-written Sales Letter & Thank You Page
Paste your name and order links, upload them and you are ready to be in business!

Professionally Designed Covers
You get them in PNG transparent background and Photoshop Source Documents (PSD) if you want to edit in Adobe Photoshop or GIMP.

Non-Transferable Private Label Rights so you can:
- Resell this E-Book in PDF format at any price you see fit
- Put your name as the author
- Edit the contents
- Use as bonus
- Use as lead magnet to build your list
- Put into paid membership site
- Repurpose into other formats and packaging
- And more creative uses...

Private Label Rights To Product #7

Joint Venture Success Secrets

Non-Transferable Private Label Rights Included!

Discover How To Tap Into The Single Most Powerful Method You Can Use To Increase Your Leads, Sales And Reputation Manifold... For FREE!

If You Have Been Struggling Really Hard To Explode Your Sales And Leads Or You're On A Shoe-String Budget To Invest In Paid Marketing Tactics, Then This Is A Must Get Book!

Table Of Contents

Joint Venture Exposed 1
What is a Joint Venture? 1
Joint Ventures in the Conventional Business World 2
Joint Ventures in Internet Marketing 3
How Does a Joint Venture Normally Work 5
Types of Joint Ventures 6
The Overwhelming Benefits of a Joint Venture 7
Working Alone vs. Leveraging on Joint Ventures 9
Joint Venture Success Formula 11
Rule #1: Invest in Yourself 11
Understand that Your JV Partners Are Really Busy People 12
The 3 Things a JV Partner Often Look in Your Offer 13
Recruiting JV Partners - a Numbers Game You Can Control 15
It’s Really All About Finding the Right Partner 16
Use JVs to Make Sales and Build List... Nothing Else! 17
Recruiting Joint Ventures – Step-by-Step 20
Get Your Offer Ready First! 20
Starting Your Own Affiliate Program 21
Identify Other Marketers in Your Niche or Industry 23
Planning Your JV Partner Compensation Plan 24
Approaching Potential Partners via Email 25
Approaching Potential Partners via Phone 26
Approaching Potential Partners via Chat Program 28
Getting Your Potential Partners to Sign Up 28
Follow Through with Your Potential Partners 30
How to Get Potential JV Partners to Say “YES”! 32
Offer a Special Commission Percentage 32
Allow Sampling and Review of Your Product or Service 33
Take Pride in Your E-Cover Designs 35
Why High-Ticket Items are Lucrative 36
Take Special Interest in their Subscribers & Members 37
Allow Your Potential Partners to Build Their List, Too! 38
Notify Your Potential Partners At Least 2 Weeks in Advance 40
Adding Weight with Your Credibility 41
Other Ways to Increase Chances of Recruiting JV Partners 42
The Best Places to Find Potential Joint Venture Partners 45
Using Major Sites to Hunt for Hard-Hitters 45
Subscribing to a Potential Partner’s Mailing List 46
Visiting Forums with Pools of Prospective Partners 47
Joining Joint Venture Networks 48
Asking Your Contacts for Referrals 49
Live Events, Business Presentations and Seminars 51
Other Little-Known Places to Go to For Joint Ventures 52
Common Joint Venture Proposal Mistakes to Avoid 54
Not Stressing Enough Benefits in Your Proposal 54
Just Explaining the Commission Plan Isn’t Enough! 55
There’s Really Nothing Unique or Fantastic About Your Product 56
There is No Demand for Your Product in the Marketplace 58
You Approach the Wrong Type of Joint Venture Partner 59
You Think that Your Credibility DOESN’T Matter 60
Other Mistakes to Avoid when Approaching JV Partners 62
Samples of Joint Venture Proposal E-mails 64
Joint Venture Proposal E-mail Tips 64
The Important Points to Stress in Your JV Proposal 66
Samples of JV Proposal E-Mails 67
In Closing 70
Wealth Goes to Those Who Leverage on Joint Ventures 70
Prime Examples of Successful Online Joint Ventures 71
Joint Venture Success Tips 73

What You Get...

Source File In PDF & Word Format
78 Letter-Size Pages

Pre-written Sales Letter & Thank You Page
Paste your name and order links, upload them and you are ready to be in business!

Professionally Designed Covers
You get them in PNG transparent background and Photoshop Source Documents (PSD) if you want to edit in Adobe Photoshop or GIMP.

Non-Transferable Private Label Rights so you can:
- Resell this E-Book in PDF format at any price you see fit
- Put your name as the author
- Edit the contents
- Use as bonus
- Use as lead magnet to build your list
- Put into paid membership site
- Repurpose into other formats and packaging
- And more creative uses...

Private Label Rights To Product #8

Killer Web Copy

Non-Transferable Private Label Rights Included!

You've heard this before - many times in many versions. A lot of Internet Marketing leaders and gurus alike preach the importance of drawing TARGETED traffic to your website AND having a GOOD offer. Agree?

You Are One Sales Letter Away From Wealth!


Table Of Contents

What Is Copywriting? 1
Making Copywriting Speak To The Customer 4
Speak to Your Customers via Web Copy 4
The Art Of Keeping It Simple In Copywriting 7
Keep Your Web Copy Simple 7
Copywriting For The Online Reader 10
Two Essential Tools You Need When Copywriting 13
Tools of the Trade for the Copywriter 13
The Importance Of Copywriting To The Selling And Marketing Industry 16
Critical Web Copywriting Exposed! 16
Starting With The Headline 19
The Extreme Importance of a Headline in Copywriting 19
Making A Hook With Your Sub Headline 22
Pump Up Your Copywriting with Sub Headlines 22
Starting The Copy's Paragraph 25
Crafting a Winning Starting Paragraph for Copywriting 25
Instilling Benefits For Your Prospect 28
Getting the Most Out Of Using Bullet Points in Copywriting 28
Writing Your Guarantee Statement 31
The Value of a Guarantee in Copywriting 31
Closing In For The Sale 34
Writing a Killer Copywriting Closing 34
Enforcing Your Copy With A P.S. 37
The Truth About Web Copywriting 40
The Importance of Being Truthful In Copywriting 40
Split Test For Better Performance 43
How Split Testing can help you to write Killer Copy 43
The Art Of Persuasive Copywriting 46
The Keys to Persuading a Reader in Copywriting 46
Keep It Simple Silly! 49
How Keeping It Simple Can Make Your Copywriting Excel 49
Use Testimonials To Increase Your Conversion Rates 52
Improving Your Sales Copy with Testimonials 52
Leverage On Audio & Video 55
Using Audio and Video to Pump up Copywriting 55
Wrap Up with Words that Sell 58
How to Spice Up Your Copywriting with Words That Sell 58

What You Get...

Source File In PDF & Word Format
61 Letter-Size Pages

Pre-written Sales Letter & Thank You Page
Paste your name and order links, upload them and you are ready to be in business!

Professionally Designed Covers
You get them in PNG transparent background and Photoshop Source Documents (PSD) if you want to edit in Adobe Photoshop or GIMP.

Non-Transferable Private Label Rights so you can:
- Resell this E-Book in PDF format at any price you see fit
- Put your name as the author
- Edit the contents
- Use as bonus
- Use as lead magnet to build your list
- Put into paid membership site
- Repurpose into other formats and packaging
- And more creative uses...

Private Label Rights To Product #9

Network Marketing Jumpstart

Non-Transferable Private Label Rights Included!

Discover How YOU - Or Anyone - Can Explode Your Network Marketing Business To GREATER Heights As Practiced By TOP Networkers From Around The World!

If You Have Not Been Achieving The Kind Of Success You Desired In Your Network Marketing Journey Up Until Now, Then This Is Your Go-To Guide!

Table Of Contents

Average Network Marketers vs. TOP Network Marketers 4
Network Marketing Today and Beyond 4
Why Do So Many People Fail in Network Marketing Today? 5
What Makes Network Marketers Just Average 6
What Makes Top Networkers Different From The Rest 8
The Habits of Successful Network Marketers 10
Habit #1 Great Salesmanship 10
Habit #2 Like Helping Other People 12
Habit #3 Surround Yourself with the Right People 13
Habit #4 Building Huge Networks & Relationship 15
Habit #5 Develop Leadership & Charisma 16
Habit #6 Don’t Subscribe to Conventional Wisdom 17
Network Marketing Jumpstart 19
Join the Right Company AND Upline 19
How to Sell Your Company’s Products Effectively 20
Getting Started Write down 100 names 21
Practicing Your Phone Call & Presentation 23
Making Your First Call 24
How to Recruit Downlines By Masses 26
Expanding Your Network Marketing Business Further 28
Focus More on Leadership by Example 28
How to Train Your Downlines & Reduce Dropouts 29
Why Motivation is Important for Both You & Your Team 31
Learn Often From Your Uplines, Too! 32
Even More Ways to Build Your Network Marketing Business 34
Common Mistakes Made in Network Marketing 36
Top 5 Mistakes Made by Average Network Marketers 36
Top 5 Mistakes Made by Top Network Marketers 37
In Closing & Call to Action 39
Live, Breath, Eat, & Sleep Network Marketing 39
Tips on Reaching the Top in Your Network Marketing Business 41

What You Get...

Source File In PDF & Word Format
42 Letter-Size Pages

Pre-written Sales Letter & Thank You Page
Paste your name and order links, upload them and you are ready to be in business!

Professionally Designed Covers
You get them in PNG transparent background and Photoshop Source Documents (PSD) if you want to edit in Adobe Photoshop or GIMP.

Non-Transferable Private Label Rights so you can:
- Resell this E-Book in PDF format at any price you see fit
- Put your name as the author
- Edit the contents
- Use as bonus
- Use as lead magnet to build your list
- Put into paid membership site
- Repurpose into other formats and packaging
- And more creative uses...

With These Private Label Rights, You Can:

  • Put your name or pen name on the products as the author,
  • Edit the contents - relate your personal experience or expert opinion, put in your affiliate links and advertisements, change the product titles, and more!
  • Change the E-Cover and mini site graphics - with the Photoshop Source Documents (PSD) to the graphics, you can change the product title, color theme, add in your own photos or images, and so much more!
  • Sell the products and keep 100% of the sales - as you own the Private Label Rights to these products, there is no need to share a single cent with me!
  • Chop the product contents into several articles - edit the articles, slap in your resource box, and submit them to article directories for maximum exposure! You can also use the articles for your blog content, e-zine, and web site!
  • Chop the product contents into multiple free or paid reports - create lead capturing reports to build your mailing list or cash in on customers on a low budget by going HIGH volume!
  • Add the products into your paid membership site - if you run a paid content site of any kind, these products are of ideal value to your paid members!
  • Add the products into a paid bundle or package and sell at a higher price,
  • Offer the Resell Rights or Master Resell Rights to these products at a higher price, e.g. 5 - 10 times!
  • Offer the Rebranding Rights to these products and charge your resellers an additional fee!
  • Start your own affiliate program and recruit affiliates and Joint Venture partners to sell your products for a percentage!
  • And so many more profit-pulling ideas! Your imagination is the limit.

** These are just some of the benefits of what you can do with the products, but please be sure to read the terms and conditions to these products before you make your purchase. **



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