100 Content Marketing Videos



Curious about what kind of daily tips you’ll be able to serve to your list while promoting various offers?

Take a look at these 100 video titles:

1. Research your target market before creating your info product

2. Tailor all of your content to your customer

3. Pay attention to the needs of your customer

4. Keep an eye out for evergreen info products

5. Every person has at least one evergreen hobby

6. Passive income starts here

7. It's all about the quality of your information

8. They will judge the quality of your videos based on your sales page

9. First impressions are all that matters

10. Buy and study your competitor's products

11. Study the quality of the product carefully

12. Take notes about what you like and don't like

13. Ask for honest reviews of your info product

14. Find a few trusted members of an online community to review your product

15. Don't get bent out of shape when they point out errors

16. Split test your sales pages for maximum results

17. Create different landing pages and track your sales

18. Use software to gain as much information as possible

19. Don't settle for only eBooks

20. Couple videos with eBooks for the ultimate success

21. Don't hit publish if your content sucks

22. Subpar content will sink your internet dreams

23. Sit on content and revisit it when the time is right

24. Put your readers before money

25. Putting money first means creating one big sales pitch

26. Don't worry about money until you have traffic

27. Only the best content will rank in Google

28. There is no way to fool Google

29. Don't listen to the black hatters

30. Have others read your content and give you honest advice

31. Create an atmosphere where people feel comfortable giving you tips

32. Continuously work to improve your craft

33. Always edit your content using services like Grammarly

34. Don't expect any of these services to be perfect

35. It's fast, easy, and makes you look professional

36. Keyword research is vital for your content to rank

37. Go for the low hanging fruit early on

38. Don't fall for these magic formulas

39. The early days are the most difficult for content sites

40. Slow and steady does it

41. Beating around the bush will confuse the reader

42. Your sales copy must be fluid from start to finish

43. There needs to be a flow and a rhythm

44. Don't be a salesperson, instead market to them

45. First, you build a rapport with the person

46. If you can create a bond, the sale is inevitable

47. Emphasize benefits and forget about the features

48. No one cares about features in the least

49. Don't lay off telling them what the benefits are

50. Try to be folksy, personable and friendly in your copy

51. You want to appear to be the average Joe

52. Be the guy everyone wants to have a beer with

53. Do your best to appeal to the reader's emotions

54. Dial it in and have no regrets

55. Be aggressive, but don't lie

56. Any claims that you make need to be backed up with facts

57. Don't burden the reader with too many facts

58. Pick a few facts and hit them home

59. Use the word "you" far more than the word "we"

60. Throw the word we out the window

61. Smash the competition with keyword research

62. Your posts can rank for dozens or more of keywords

63. Focus on one primary keyword and many smaller ones

64. Attack keywords based on your blog’s authority

65. Put your audience under a microscope

66. Use polls to get feedback from your visitors

67. Encourage dialog in the comment section under your blog posts

68. Don’t forget about email

69. Boost traffic with notifications

70. The average person doesn’t buy on their first visit

71. Don’t abuse those who agree to accept notifications

72. Take advantage of the flexibility of WordPress

73. WordPress has tons of plugins available

74. You don’t need to be a designer to have a great looking blog

75. WordPress was developed with SEO in mind

76. Hit a home run with your domain name

77. Don’t use any extension other than .com

78. Don’t be surprised if it takes you awhile to come up with a good domain name

79. Keep your site out of the gutter with SSL

80. HTTPS is a factor in Google’s rankings

81. Blogs are a great source of traffic for your ebooks

82. Don't make every blog post about your books

83. Allow people to join a mailing list from your blog

84. Give away your ebook for free to help get the word out

85. It's all about gaining exposure

86. Giving away free ebooks will help you get readers

87. Pay for social media shoutouts by influencers in your niche

88. Not all social media is created equal

89. Ask to trade shoutouts for free if you have a similar size following

90. Promote your books on relevant forums

91. You want to be seen as a valuable member of the community

92. Take advantage of signatures and profile links

93. Gain a following on social media and sell them your books

94. Limit your time on social media

95. Pick one social networking site and master it

96. Sell your ebook on as many platforms as possible

97. Be aware that each platform has a little different requirements

98. Don't expect huge sales on platforms other than Amazon

99. Begin each book with an outline

100. The outline doesn't need to be complicated at all


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