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Social media should be an important part of your marketing strategy, but just because you are using social media doesn’t mean you are getting the most out of it. Let’s look at 5 things you should be doing with your social media.

#1 Facebook Ads That Have Dark Posts
We are told over and over again how important it is to have a presence on social media that the concept of dark Facebook posts seems contradictory. However, some of the top brands have learned how to enjoy success by publishing a post that does not appear on the newsfeed of their fans until they convert it into an advertisement. This is an excellent way to run two tests before you go widespread with a public post. Testing an ad with a dark post can help you to get more out of your Facebook ad budget.

#2 Influence the Friends of Your Twitter Followers
If you offer a great deal or discount your followers are going to share it with their friends. This is a great way to expand your reach. To help drive the sharing factor you can offer something free or discounted to the friend of the follower. For example, Starbucks offers friends of followers a 2 for 1 deal. This encourages sharing. 

#3 Join Conversations that are Relevant
It can be hard for a brand to take a stand on a particular issue without the worry of alienating some of their customers. By sharing public conversations that you feel are relevant you give your customer the option of reading/watching without directly engaging the subject. This has less risk for you and your business. Do reply to conversations relevant to your business that won’t make your customer feel alienated or uncomfortable. 

#4 Keep it Brief
Did you know that the perfect Facebook update length is less than 40 characters even though you can use 63,000. Many of the largest companies follow this rule of thumb and enjoy great success, so perhaps now is a good time to take note. A good post will have minimal characters but be highly effective and engaging. Don’t be afraid to experiment and find your ‘sweet spot.’

#5 Launch New Products Using Social Media
If you have something you want to promote or a new product your social media audience is your best option. Your followers are likely to share your post on Facebook and across other social medias. 

Were you aware of any of these 5 things? You are now, so put them to work

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