Project ID: 18998 Title: dog training tips Writing Type: Blog Post Number of Words: 250 words User entry: best dog training tips ----------------------------------------------------- Copywriterr Content: Dog training is a complex subject, with many different facets. The most important consideration when trying to choose the best dog training tips is the kind of dog you have. Each breed has its own specific needs that must be met in order for him to develop into a well-behaved dog. Tone:enjoyable There are many different types of dogs. Therefore, there are different types of dog training. However, the dog owners must understand that it is not enough to take their dog to training classes only. They must also train their dogs at home. The best way to do this is to make use of clicker training. Clicker training not only helps in making the dog learn faster but also makes it fun and easy for the dog owner to teach the dog new things and even stop the unwanted behavior. To make sure that this activity becomes fun for both you and your pet, try to introduce clicker training at an early age when the puppy is still small and has not developed any bad habits like biting or chewing things around it. When introducing clicker training, you will first need a clicker, a toy or anything else with a distinctive sound that can be used as a signal for the animal that it has done something good, like sitting properly or performing some trick. Then you will require treats and patience! You need to start with a command that your pet knows well and gradually increase the difficulty level by adding more commands as well as distractions. Once your pet has mastered one level, you can move on to another one and repeat the process until you reach an advanced level