Scam: Make Money Watching YouTube Videos – 2023 (100% FREE AND AVAILABLE WORLDWIDE)

Scam: Make Money Watching YouTube Videos – 2023 (100% FREE AND AVAILABLE WORLDWIDE)

I’ve seen lots of YouTube videos with really promising methods of earning money online… only when I tried and followed their recipe I failed. Like this guy teaches in his video and swears he earned $58,31… oh c’mon.

He basically talks about finding a viral video and put it on Pinterest using a shrink URL service, his recommends using

But does any of the 20,000 people who like the video checked out the shrinkme services? Because if they did they would know it’s a scam! No serious marketer would use it – when I tried to shrink even one of my sites – here’s what I got and was never! transferred to the URL I shortened with this!


Totally scamy and spammy shortener that never ever gets redirected to the site you entered. If you’d like to try it yourself, click this link and you’ll see. But be careful and open the link at least in your incognito window!

Just be careful next time you watch a video on YouTube promising easy money – is it real or just fake like in this case? Don’t believe everything you see. The creators can lie even with their smile! (still can’t believe it, 20k likes, more than 500 comments)


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